星巴克佛罗娜咖啡主题教室 星巴克佛罗娜咖啡豆故事讲解
发表于:2025-03-12 作者:创始人
编辑最后更新 2025年03月12日,专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )星巴克咖啡教室,每个月都将安排精彩的咖啡品鉴课程与大家分享,各大星巴克门店将不定期为顾客送上咖啡品鉴课程。 星巴克精

专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )
- 星巴克咖啡教室,每个月都将安排精彩的咖啡品鉴课程与大家分享,各大星巴克门店将不定期为顾客送上咖啡品鉴课程。 星巴克精心为星粉们准备了数十场不同主题的咖啡教室,每一期都有纯正的阿拉比卡咖啡豆供大家品鉴,在咖啡教室中还将品尝到祥龙综合咖啡、佛罗娜咖啡、埃塞俄比亚咖啡、危地马拉安提瓜咖啡等经典咖啡。 这些咖啡将与每一期的咖啡教室主题相吻合。星巴克黑围裙咖啡大师不但现场教您品鉴咖啡,还将传授咖啡的家庭煮制、饮品DIY、环保利用等精彩内容。 星巴克佛罗娜咖啡豆这款咖啡原本是专为西雅图餐厅提供的一款在餐后所调配的咖啡豆,结果在该餐厅推出之后大受欢迎,于是佛罗娜综合咖啡便纳入星巴克核心咖啡系列。为了增加深度与甜味,加入了20%的意大利烘焙咖啡,让它拥有如巧克力般的质地及甜味,犹如爱情般的浪漫感受。 咖啡豆原产地 哥伦比亚/危地马拉/哥斯达黎加/ 印尼 我们对于咖啡烘焙充满著无比的热情。每一款咖啡都需要不同的时间与温度,以粹炼出最完美的烘焙境界,进而为每一杯咖啡带来独有的香气、酸度、体度与风味。 1.烘焙程度:深度烘焙 2.产区:综合产区 3.处理法:水洗法、半水洗法 4.适合搭配的食物风味:牛奶巧克力、黑巧克力、焦糖 【咖啡之旅】 喝杯咖啡,观一段历史,看一部电影,听一段音乐,享受一段文化之旅。 希望为越来越多的外籍人士带来咖啡知识,也为伙伴们分享更多有关咖啡的历史文化背景的体验。 'How do I love thee? Let me count the ways', is a famous line from Elizabeth Barret Browning's poem, which echoes with the eternal love between Romeo and Juliet. Yet, throughout the years, not only love itself to be celebrated; the beauty of youth and the associated energy and hope to be remembered, as well. "我是怎样爱你?让我一一细数。"这是伊丽莎白布朗宁的著名诗句,印证著罗密欧与朱丽叶的永恒爱情。随岁月沉淀,不单单是爱情刻骨,青春的美好也让人铭心,内蕴的力量和希望更让人著迷。 佛罗娜 - 情人间的盟誓佛罗娜 - 情人间的盟誓 The 1968 version of 'Romeo and Juliet' movie is always considered to be the most classic version among the others. Despite the heavenly beauty of the lovers which resembles the ideal image under Shakespeare's words, one would also immediately be fascinated by the deep interpretation of youth, especially from the song 'What is a Youth',a kind of lovers' whisper underneath. 1968年版的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》电影一直被认为是最经典版本,除了两位主角的形象生动复刻了莎士比亚笔下的人物,电影里对青春的诠释也让人悸动,特别是主题曲《青春是什么》(What is a Youth),如情人碎语,悠扬绵长,眷恋不断。 被称为史上最美的朱丽叶- Olivia Hussey被称为史上最美的朱丽叶- Olivia Hussey What is a youth? Impetuous fire 青春是什么?激烈燃烧的火, What is a maid? Ice and desire 少女是什么?冰霜和欲望的结合, The world wags on 年华如此消失下去。 A rose will bloom, it then will fade 玫瑰会盛开,然后会凋谢, So does a youth, so does the fairest maid 青春也是,最美的少女亦复如此。 Comes a time when one's sweet smile 当那时,脸上挂著甜美的微笑, Has its season for a while 那就是爱的季节, Then love's in love with me 我心里充满了依恋。 Some may think only to marry 有人只想到结婚, Others will tease and tarry 有的人却不屑且犹豫, Mine is the very best parry 我的借口最是高超: Cupid he rules us all 邱比特牵著我们的鼻子走。 Caper the caper, sing me the song 尽情嬉戏去吧,并为我唱一首歌, Death will come soon to hush us along 死神不久将来临,叫我们都闭住嘴, Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall 比蜜还甜,比胆还苦, Love is a past time and never will pall 爱虽磨人,却永不走味, Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall 比蜜还甜,比胆还苦, Cupid he rules us all 邱比特牵著我们的鼻子走。 A rose will bloom, it then will fade 玫瑰会盛开,很快就会凋谢, So does a youth, so does the fairest maid 青春如此,美丽的少女亦如此。 (视频网址:http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/588319) 佛罗娜佛罗娜 When we trace back the social context of Renaissance Verona, where the great romance took place, derives its name from old Latin, meaning "a very elegant city"。 Gladly it is also a renowned Starbucks coffee, blends both Latin America and Asia Pacific coffees with Italian Roast in a portion of 80:20. 当我们追溯这段唯美爱情的背景至文艺复兴时代的意大利佛罗娜,这个名字来自古老的拉丁文,是"非常优美城市"的意思。令人欣喜的是,"佛罗娜"也是星巴克咖啡豆的名字,由80%的拉美和亚太豆,以及20%的意式烘焙豆混合而成。 I once attended a coffee sharing held by 8th Warehouse Starbucks barista Amy and Vivian, in which cheese cake was served to match pure-over Verona Coffee, we even explored the wonderful taste of pairing it with chocolates, the sweetness softened the coffee sour, greatly enriched the savour experience. 不久前我参加了八号仓星巴克咖啡师Amy和Vivian主持的咖啡教室,用了香甜的干酪蛋糕来配搭手冲的佛罗娜咖啡,后来更尝试用巧克力配搭,味感突出,甜味让咖啡的口感更加柔和,一试难忘。 Another barista Joy gave me a hint, if I want a stronger flavor; just allow the bloom to last a little bit longer, say 10s or 15s, to enhance the extraction level. 另一位咖啡师Joy还教我一个手冲的窍门,让闷蒸包持续更长的时间,例如10秒或15秒,来提高萃取度。 People come and go, memories never fade…… Life is forever a running cycle with deep sentiment roots in. Treasure the precious moments of youth and taste it with a cup of Verona Coffee. 生命总是人来人往,记忆历久常新…… 喝一杯佛罗娜咖啡,在生命历程里注入感情,珍惜美好的青春时光。
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